You Are invited To
The Wedding Of

Yusuf & Diana

October 12, 2024

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“And among His (Greatness) signs is that He creates partners for you from your own kind, so that you are inclined and feel reassured towards them, and He has made between you love and compassion. Indeed, in that there are signs. -a sign (of Allah’s greatness) for those who think”
{ Q.S : Ar-Rum (30) : 21 }

By asking for the grace and blessing of Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta’ala, God willing, we will hold a wedding ceremony:

Yusuf Eka Setiana S.T

Son of:
Mr. Hadi Kusaini & Mrs. Nur Ba’iyah


Diana Retnosari S.T

Daughter of:
Mr. Sutarno (Alm) & Mrs. Kasiyati

God willing, the event will be held on:

Marriage Contract

Bride’s residence
Dsn. Patuk Ds. Sidomulyo RT. 01/RW. 05 Kec. Krian, Kab. Sidoarjo


Bride’s residence
Dsn. Patuk Ds. Sidomulyo RT. 01/RW. 05 Kec. Krian, Kab. Sidoarjo

Wedding Gallery

Love Story

Awal Bertemu

Kami dipertemukan sebagai rekan kerja dalam satu perusahaan dan saling mengenal ,hingga akhirnya kami berdua menjalin suatu hubungan untuk mengenal satu sama lain dan saling berkomitmen


Kami dipertemukan untuk pertama kalinya dalam suatu pertemuan keluarga dimana untuk mengikat suatu hubungan yang kami jalani untuk menuju kejenjang yang lebih serius


Kami memutuskan untuk saling berkomitmen hingga akhirnya menikah dan saling menerima kekurangan satu sama lain sebagai sepasang suami istri

Wedding Gift

Your blessing is a very meaningful gift to us.
And if giving is an expression of your love, you can give cashless gifts.

transfer to BCA account a.n Diana Retnosari

You Can Also Send Physical Gifts To The Following Address

Dsn. Patuk Ds. Sidomulyo RT. 01/RW. 05 Kec. Krian, Kab. Sidoarjo
Recipient: Diana
Copy Address

Please Confirm Your Attendance

Send Message for
The bride and groom

Live Streaming

Live streaming of the Marriage Contract can be watched on October 25, 2020 (08.00-10.00)​

There is nothing we can express other than gratitude from a sincere heart if you are willing to come to give us your blessing

Yusuf & Diana

Saturday, October 12, 2024

health protocols

Don't hesitate to come, we have coordinated with all parties related to preventing the transmission of COVID-19. Our event will follow all health protocol procedures to prevent the transmission of COVID-19. So, don't panic, we are waiting for you!nasi dengan semua pihak terkait pencegahan penularan COVID-19.​

Wear Mask

Don't Shake Hands

Keep Your Distance & Avoid Crowds

Invited guests are expected to follow COVID-19 prevention protocol.

Invited guests are expected to follow COVID-19 prevention protocol.

Yusuf & Diana
Without prejudice, we would like to invite you to attend our wedding.